Friday 8 March 2013

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 07 March 2013 - Year of Victory for a Youthful SGI

Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Calling forth the three powerful enemies and defeating them makes one a votary of the Lotus Sutra. It is only natural, then, when we advance upon the correct path of mentor and disciple originating with the Daishonin, we will encounter obstacles. By battling the three powerful enemies, we become genuine disciples of the Daishonin. In that respect, the authenticity of the path of mentor and disciple followed by the first three presidents of the Soka Gakkai has been proven beyond doubt.

From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Thursday, March 7, 2013
If the minds of living beings are impure, their land is also impure, but if their minds are pure, so is their land. There are not two lands, pure or impure in themselves. The difference lies solely in the good or evil of our minds. It is the same with a Buddha and an ordinary being. While deluded, one is called an ordinary being, but when enlightened, one is called a Buddha. This is similar to a tarnished mirror that will shine like a jewel when polished.
On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime
Written to Toki Jonin in 1255

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, March 7, 2013
When we revere Myoho-renge-kyo inherent in our own life as the object of devotion, the Buddha nature within us is summoned forth and manifested by our chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This is what is meant by "Buddha." To illustrate, when a caged bird sings, birds who are flying in the sky are thereby summoned and gather around, and when the birds flying in the sky gather around, the bird in the cage strives to get out. When with our mouths we chant the Mystic Law, our Buddha nature, being summoned, will invariably emerge.

Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (25 Feb. 1960) p.481
Talked with H. and M. about the Gakkai's future until around midnight.  Felt pleased at H.'s sincerity.
My seniors need to learn from his seriousness.
Seniors should have ability and a sense of mission and responsibility befitting a senior leader.  This is precisely why they are called seniors.


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