Friday 30 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 30 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 30, 2021
Nobel laureate Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) of Chile, was well respected as a humanistic educator. Indicative of the great spirit of compassion and caring with which she interacted with her students is her "Teacher's Prayer": "Let me be more mother than the mother herself in my love and defense of the child who is not flesh of my flesh. Help me to make one of my children my most perfect poem and leave within him or her my most melodious melody from that day when my own lips no longer sing." With this same spirit, let us care for and nurture young people.
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 30, 2021
You are indeed an unusual woman since you asked me to explain the effects of various degrees of slander. You are every bit as praiseworthy as the dragon king's daughter when she said, "I unfold the doctrines of the great vehicle to rescue living beings from suffering." The Lotus Sutra reads, "If one can ask about its meaning, that will be difficult indeed." There are very few people who inquire about the meaning of the Lotus Sutra.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 626
The Embankments of Faith
Written to the lay nun Sennichi on September 3, 1275
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 30, 2021
Nichiren wrote that wrath can be either good or bad. Self-centered anger generates evil, but wrath at social injustice becomes the driving force for reform. Strong language that censures and combats a great evil often awakens adverse reactions from society, but this must not intimidate those who believe they are right. A lion is a lion because he roars.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (19 June 1953) p.143
Physically and mentally exhausted. All day long, I feel like a person suffering from a serious illness. How regrettable, how sad! Could this be the result of my past misdeeds or karma? How bitter my destiny. Must not allow it to defeat me. Because I have a mission, I must win! There are many things I must accomplish. Will dedicate this life to my mentor, Josei Toda.


Thursday 29 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 29 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 29, 2021
What is success in life? Who are the truly successful? There are famous and powerful people who become pitiful figures in their old age. There are people who die alone, feeling empty and desolate inside. Just what is success? The English thinker Walter Pater (1839-94) wrote: "To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life." The person who lives life fully, glowing with life's energy, is the person who lives a successful life.
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 29, 2021
Little streams come together to form the great ocean, and tiny particles of dust accumulate to form Mount Sumeru . When I, Nichiren, first took faith in the Lotus Sutra, I was like a single drop of water or a single particle of dust in all the country of Japan . But later, when two people, three people, ten people, and eventually a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, and a million people come to recite the Lotus Sutra and transmit it to others, then they will form a Mount Sumeru of perfect enlightenment, an ocean of great nirvana.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 579
The Selection of the Time
Written to Yui in 1275
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 29, 2021
Our efforts for the sake of dialogue, in order to be worthy of the term dialogue, must be carried through to the end. To refuse peaceful exchange and choose force is to compromise and give in to human weakness; it is to admit the defeat of the human spirit. Socrates encourages his youthful disciples to train and strengthen themselves spiritually, to maintain hope and self-control, to advance courageously, choosing virtue over material wealth, truth over fame.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (17 June 1953) p.142
After 10:00, I was summoned by the police about a matter of giving notice of our intention to hold a meeting. Alone, I went to Koiwa police headquarters. The situation has become more and more interesting. After explaining everything thoroughly, I returned home late at night.
In anything, whoever continues to fight on will be a winner in the end.


Wednesday 28 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 28 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 28, 2021

How incredible it is to chant this wonderful daimoku each day! Nichiren Daishonin writes, "There is no greater happiness for human beings than chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The sutra [Lotus Sutra] says, The people there [in my land] are happy and at ease.
1253 Nichiren Daishonin chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for the first time.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 28, 2021
The greater the hardships befalling him, the greater the delight he feels, because of his strong faith. Doesn't a fire burn more briskly when logs are added? All rivers flow into the sea, but does the sea turn back their waters? The currents of hardship pour into the sea of the Lotus Sutra and rush against its votary. The river is not rejected by the ocean; nor does the votary reject suffering. Were it not for the flowing rivers, there would be no sea. Likewise, without tribulation there would be no votary of the Lotus Sutra.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 33

A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering
Written to Shiji Shiro on April 28, 1261
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 28, 2021
When deluded, one is called an ordinary being, but when enlightened, one is called a Buddha. This is similar to a tarnished mirror that will shine like a jewel when polished. A mind now clouded by the illusions of the innate darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror, but when polished, it is sure to become like a clear mirror, reflecting the essential nature of phenomena and the true aspect of reality. Arouse deep faith, and diligently polish your mirror day and night. How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo -Nichiren

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (17 June 1953) p.142
A corps meeting at M.'s in Koiwa. There were about a hundred participants. Pleased to see everyone in high spirits, filled with hope, determination and vitality... Soiled clothes, wrinkled shirts, unkempt hair – they have, however, the precious eyes of youth looking toward and living for the future. Furthermore, though not apparent on the surface theirs is a gathering of young pioneers of the Mystic Law.
Resolved deep in my heart to develop them into a group of a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand youth. Will take good care of my juniors. Must make them better than myself. This is the mission of a leader or senior in faith.


Tuesday 27 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 27 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 27, 2021
Age is not an excuse for giving up. If you allow yourself to grow passive and draw back, it's a sign of personal defeat. There may be a retirement age at work, but there is no retirement age in life. How then could there be any "going into retirement" in the world of faith? The Buddhist Law is eternal, extending across the three existences of past, present and future, and one of the benefits of faith is perennial youth and eternal life.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 27, 2021
The five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra, contain the benefit amassed through the countless practices and meritorious deeds of all Buddhas throughout the three existences. Then, how can these five characters not include the benefits obtained by observing all of the Buddhas' precepts?
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 481
The Teaching, Practice, and Proof
Written to Sammi-bo on March 21, 1275
 Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 27, 2021
We all long for things of beauty - beauty of nature, of appearance, of life, a beautiful family and so on. But these cannot be gained if we are withdrawn and isolated, just looking at ourselves. We must create better relationships with other people and interact with our community and society with an open heart. We must be kind to nature. It is only through this process that we really grow and cultivate our own beauty.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (16 June 1953) p.141

Strictly reflected that I, alone, am responsible for Sensei's anger.
Faith will change everything. The power of faith is the only way to a solution and further advancement.


Monday 26 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 26 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 26, 2021
What matters is winning in the end, the wins and losses along the way are of secondary significance. It's final victory in life that counts and that is the reason for our Buddhist practice. No matter how powerful or famous or privileged a person might be, Nichiren Daishonin says, from a Buddhist point of view it is all nothing more than a dream, an illusory pleasure; true happiness can only be attained by revealing the state of Buddhahood within our own life.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 26, 2021
There are two types of illness: minor and serious. Early treatment by a skilled physician can cure even serious illnesses, not to mention minor ones. Karma also may be divided into two categories: fixed and unfixed. Sincere repentance will eradicate even fixed karma, to say nothing of karma that is unfixed.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 954
On Prolonging One's Life Span
Written to the lay nun Myojo in 1279
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 26, 2021
As globalization proceeds, we enter an age in which everybody's actions strongly influence everybody else. When we realize this, we can then alter our mindset and strive to build a global society of mutual coexistence and mutual prosperity. This will be done by going beyond devotion to the interests of the nation-state and devoting ourselves to the interests of all humanity. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. The key to the solution is the imagination to care for others. It is the empathizing heart or what Buddhists refer to when they talk about mercy.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (16 June 1953) p.141

The Suiko Group met in the evening. Sensei was furious. We were at fault. Reflected on our complete lack of spirit and fortitude. Sensei left the meeting after only an hour or so. We stayed and went over our attitude and behavior until 10:00. My heart is like a dark cloud.
1. Take care to be on time.
2. Unity among the corps chiefs.
3. The Suiko Group's purpose, determination and passion


Sunday 25 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 25 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 25, 2021
 Adversity gives birth to greatness. The greater the challenges and difficulties we face, the greater opportunity we have to grow and develop as people. A life without adversity, a life of ease and comfort, produces nothing and leaves us with nothing. This is one of the indisputable facts of life.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 25, 2021
 Buddhahood is the most difficult to demonstrate. But since you possess the other nine worlds, you should believe that you have Buddhahood as well. Do not permit yourself to have doubts. Expounding on the human world, the Lotus Sutra says, "The Buddhas wish to open the door of Buddha wisdom to all living beings." . . . That ordinary people born in the latter age can believe in the Lotus Sutra is due to the fact that the world of Buddhahood is present in the human world.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 358
The Object of Devotion for Observing the mind Established in the Fifth Five-Hundred-Year Period after the Thus Come One's Passing
Written to Toki Jonin on April 25, 1273
 Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 25, 2021
 If you think about it, although we may not be destined to die five minutes from now, we are all, without exception, going to die at some point. We can count on it 100 percent. There is nothing surer than this. Victor Hugo says, "We are all under sentence of death, but with a sort of indefinite reprieve." Ideally, we should live every minute of our lives valuably, as if it were the last moment of our lives. Those who live aimlessly are left with a sense of emptiness at the end of their lives, but those who live all-out, striving right to the end, will die peacefully. Leonardo da Vinci says, "As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death." One aware that death could come at any time will live each day to the fullest.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (15 June 1953) p.141
Completely exhausted, both physically and spiritually…
In the evening, attended Musashino District's general meeting. No spirit whatsoever. It's a shame.
Lately I feel my mind becoming dull. No other fundamental solution than to "substitute faith for wisdom."


Saturday 24 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 24 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 24, 2021
When youth are awakened to a sense of mission, their power is limitless. Ultimately, we have to entrust our hopes and visions for the future to the youth. This is a golden rule. Youth is pure. Youth will rise up to fulfill their ideals without calculation or self-interest. The fundamental spirit of a leader must be to reach out to such young people, work with them and bring out their capabilities and direct their youthful energies in a positive direction.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 24, 2021
What matters most is that we honour the Buddha's words. As a rule, people in the world value what is distant and despise what is near, but this is the conduct of the ignorant. Even the distant should be repudiated if it is wrong, while what is near should not be discarded if it accords with the truth. Even though people may revere [their predecessors' doctrines], if those doctrines are in error, how can we employ them today?"
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 155
Reply to Hoshina Goro Taro
Written to Hoshina Boro Taro on December 5, 1267
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 24, 2021
The Buddhas, the World-Honoured Ones, wish to open the door of Buddha wisdom to all living beings, to allow them to attain purity. That is why they appear in the world. They wish to show the Buddha wisdom to living beings, and therefore they appear in the world. They wish to cause living beings to awaken to the Buddha wisdom, and therefore they appear in the world. They wish to induce living beings to enter the path of Buddha wisdom, and therefore they appear in the world. -The Lotus Sutra.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (15 June 1953) p.141
Completely exhausted, both physically and spiritually. Slept until 10:30. Totally disgusted with K. The rain grew harder. it is as if my entire being were in pain. Don't they speak of "a sound mind in a sound body"? Rather, both body and mind must be healthy simultaneously. This is an ultimate principle of faith.
Must complete the following:
1. Accomplish my chapter's goal.
2. Accomplish my mission at work.
3. Pursue the study of Buddhism.


Friday 23 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 23 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 23, 2021
Our fellow members are all family with whom we are linked by deep bonds. If we support and protect this family, they will act as protective forces in our environment, supporting and keeping us from harm in lifetime after lifetime. This is a profound principle of Buddhism.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 23, 2021
As I have often mentioned before, it is said that, where there is unseen virtue, there will be visible reward. Your fellow samurai all slandered you to your lord, and he also has wondered if it was true, but because you have for some years now honestly maintained a strong desire for your lord's welfare in his next life, you received a blessing like this. This is just the beginning, be confident that the great reward also is sure to come.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 907
Unseen Virtue and Visible Reward
Written to Shijo Kingo on April 23, 1278
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 23, 2021

When we are aware that each moment of each day, each gesture and step we take, is truly mystical and full of wonder, we will live our lives with greater thought and care. We will also have greater respect and appreciation for the lives of others.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (14 June 1953) p.140

I am already twenty five. When the first president, Mr. Makiguchi, was thirty two, he wrote his innovative work, Human Geography, which is known worldwide. And, beginning with Guidelines to Math, Mr. Toda, my revered teacher, while still in his thirties, published many books popular throughout Japan. What will I have accomplished when I am that age?


Thursday 22 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 22 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 22, 2021
I hope you will always have the spirit to learn with a lively curiosity and interest. When leaders are enthusiastic to keep on learning and growing, they inspire others. New ideas emerge and spread. Fresh energy to advance surges forth. Instead of pretending to know all the answers, assuming an air of wisdom, let us always strive for greater understanding and insight into all manner of things, so that we can continue learning together and spur one another to grow. This is the kind of spirit I want to cherish.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 22, 2021
In the Latter Day of the Law, no treasure tower exists other than the figures of the men and women who embrace the Lotus Sutra. It follows, therefore, that whether eminent or humble, high or low, those who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are themselves the treasure tower, and likewise, are themselves the Thus Come One Many Treasures.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 299
On the Treasure Tower
Written to Abutsu-bo Nittoku on March 13, 1272
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 22, 2021
Do not compare yourselves to others. Be true to who you are and continue to learn with all your might. Even if you are ridiculed, even if you suffer disappointments and setbacks, continue to advance and do not be defeated.
Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (12 June 1953) p.140

To listen to Mr. Toda's excellent lecture and hear his conviction makes me truly happy.
My health steadily gets worse. It's really pitiful. Met over dinner with K. and some associates at the I. restaurant at 9:00. I have no vitality. It's agonizing.


Wednesday 21 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 21 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 21, 2021
Buddhism is reason. It doesn't exist apart from society, apart from reality. That is why it is important for each of us to cultivate good judgment and common sense. We must respect and harmonize with society's ways. Respecting the life of each individual, we work among the people. This is the SGI's fundamental creed.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 21, 2021
Amber draws dust, and a magnet attracts iron particles; here our evil karma is like the dust or iron, and the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is like the amber or the magnet. If we consider these [analogies, we can see why] we should always chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 142
The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra
Recipient unknown; written on January 6, 1266
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 21, 2021

There are many people, many lives, on this planet, too numerous, in fact, to count. From this great multitude, we wondrously find ourselves together with those in our families - as parents and children, as brothers and sisters, as husbands and wives. If we do not live joyfully and cheerfully in the company of those with whom we share this profound bond, what is life for? Should the atmosphere at home be somber, you yourself can be the "sun." By being a shining presence, you can cast the light of hope on your father, mother and whole family.
Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (07 April 1953) p.139
The world is changing acutely. To the rest of the world, the Gakkai may still seem as insignificant as a particle of dust. But look at us ten, twenty, or rather thirty years from now! There is no doubt the Daishonin's great philosophy will shine brilliantly throughout the world. Until then, we must fight. Until then, we must advance, we who possess a sense of responsibility and mission.


Tuesday 20 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 20 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 20, 2021
To possess both wisdom and compassion is the heart of our human revolution. If you have wisdom alone and lack compassion, it will be a cold, perverse wisdom. If you have compassion alone and lack wisdom, you cannot give happiness to others. You are even likely to lead them in the wrong direction. Also you cannot achieve your own happiness.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 20, 2021
From the time that I was born until today, I, Nichiren, have never known a moment's ease, I have thought only of propagating the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra. I do not know how long I or anyone else may live, but without fail, I will be with you at the time of your death and guide you from this life to the next.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 965
Persecution by Sword and Staff
Written to Nanjo Tokimitsu on April 20, 1279
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 20, 2021
Just as flowers open up and bear fruit, just as the moon appears and invariably grows full, just as a lamp becomes brighter when oil is added, and just as plants and trees flourish with rain, so will human beings never fail to prosper when they make good causes – Nichiren.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (09 March 1953) p.139
Gakkai leaders must protect and encourage from the bottom of their hearts those who show promise for the future as well as those who are alone and those who are sincere.
Will deeply self-reflect. Must never be conceited. Must never lose the spirit of construction, training, effort and study throughout my life.


Monday 19 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 19 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 19, 2021
At a crucial moment it is the strength and courage of ordinary people who have no name or position in society that save the day. The famous, the well-connected, almost always have too much to lose, and they abandon the cause in order to protect themselves.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 19, 2021
The human mind is inconstant; it is ever-changing and unfixed. I thought it wondrous that you pledged faith in my teachings while I was in the province of Sado, and your sincerity in sending your husband all the way here is even more remarkable. The provinces we live in are far apart, and months and years have passed, so I was concerned that you might slacken in your resolve. However, you are increasingly demonstrating the depth of your faith and accumulating good deeds. Surely this is not a result of practice over just one or two previous lifetimes.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 491
Reply to the Lay Priest of Ko
Written to the lay priest of Ko on April 12, 1275
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 19, 2021
Grass and trees cannot grow without soil. The "soil" that fosters our growth includes our parents, teachers, seniors, or homeland, alma mater, community or company. In any case, everyone has some place where they grew up or someone who nurtured them. Human beings grow as a result of nurturing "soil" in which they express their ability and make the flowers of their lives blossom, just as the spirit of the rice plant returns to the soil and the stalk sprouts to flower and bear grain once again. We should repay our debts of gratitude to this soil in which we developed. This cycle of repaying gratitude will envelop one's whole existence. Your true humanity will never blossom if you seek only to develop yourself.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (09 March 1953) p.139

A lecture for Study Department seniors at the headquarters. Mr. Toda's strictness and the earnestness of those attending remind me of the severe training of master swordsmen. Whenever I participate in a study meeting, I feel I have not studied enough. Profoundly aware of the importance of study.


Sunday 18 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 18 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory



Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 18, 2021

Those who advance together with this organization that is dedicated to kosen-rufu and pervaded by benefit will evolve the correct mind of faith that matches the time. With this mind of faith you can fill the canvas of your lives with portraits of happiness in which all your wishes are fulfilled.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 18, 2021
Were it not for the presence of the "Life Span" chapter among all the teachings of Shakyamuni, they would be like the heavens without the sun and moon, a kingdom without a king, the mountains and seas without treasures, or a person without a soul. This being so, without the "Life Span" chapter, all the sutras are meaningless.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 183
The Essence of the "Life Span" Chapter
Recipient unknown; written on April 17, 1271
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 18, 2021
We live in the midst of a flood of soulless information. And, the more we rely on one-way communication, like radio or TV, or static and unmoving words in print, the more I feel the need to stress the value of the sound of the human voice: The simple but precious interaction of voice and voice, person and person, the exchange of life with life.
Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (04 March 1953) p.138
Heard President Toda is suffering from tonsillitis. Saw him in the office later in the day. Hope he will take good care of his health. To make this possible, we, his disciples, must mature all the more quickly.

Saturday 17 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 17 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 17, 2021
Nothing can equal the splendour of youth. To be young is to possess a treasure of infinite worth, far greater than any person of power. This is all the more true of you who possess the eternal treasure of the Mystic Law. Those who live based on this supreme Law are bodhisattvas and Buddhas.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 17, 2021
Even if the sun and moon should never again emerge from the east, even if the great earth itself should turn over, even if the tides of the great ocean should cease to ebb and flow, even if broken stones are made whole, and even if the waters of the streams and rivers cease to flow into the ocean, no woman who believes in the Lotus Sutra could ever be dragged down by worldly faults and fall into the evil paths.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 70
The Recitation of the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" Chapters
Written to the wife of Hiki Daigaku Saburo Yoshimoto on April 17, 1264
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 17, 2021
The goal is not to eliminate desires, it is what one desires that is important. Earthly desires are enlightenment. The desire for supreme enlightenment, the search for enlightenment, is enlightenment. Satisfaction with one's accomplishments might seem like humility, but to underestimate life's potential is actually great arrogance.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (03 March 1953) p.138
I pray that, from among the members of my corps, men of power and ability for kosen-rufu will appear in rapid succession.
Members of my corps! I pray you will each develop into men who surpass me in capability.
Members of my corps! I pray that not one of you will discard your faith.
These days I deeply sense the tremendous mercy of the Gohonzon.


Friday 16 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 16 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 16, 2021
Spending our time doing what we please may bring momentary pleasure, but it will not bring us true and lasting joy. We cannot become great artists or great actors of life - we cannot become great human beings. Literature, music and drama are all to be found in our activities for faith - in our prayers, our challenges to develop ourselves through SGI activities and our efforts to educate others. All value is encompassed in these activities. This is the profound realm of Buddhism.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 16, 2021
[T'ien-t'ai writes:] "As practice progresses and understanding grows, the three obstacles and four devils emerge in confusing form, vying with one another to interfere. . . . One should be neither influenced nor frightened by them. If one falls under their influence, one will be led into the paths of evil. If one is frightened by them, one will be prevented from practicing the correct teaching." This statement not only applies to me, but also is a guide for my followers. Reverently make this teaching your own, and transmit it as an axiom of faith for future generations.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 501
Letter to the Brothers
Written to Ikegami Munenaka and Ikegami Munenga on April 16, 1275
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 16, 2021
[T'ien-t'ai writes:] "Unless acted on, even the ideal of reverence for life can end up being a mere slogan without the power to transform reality. It must, therefore, be established as a genuine philosophy in our hearts and in the hearts of others. We must put this philosophy into practice through concrete actions for peace, working one step at a time toward its realization.
Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (02 March 1953) p.137

Began to study Nichikan's "Commentary on 'The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind.'"
1. Must exert myself in study
2. Must approach it in a scholarly manner.


Thursday 15 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 15 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 15, 2021
Material possessions cannot be enjoyed after death. But millionaires rich in life force are able to freely make use of the treasures of the universe in lifetime after lifetime and enjoy a journey of eternal happiness. That is what constitutes proof of true victory in life.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 15, 2021
The Lotus Sutra offers a secret means for leading all living beings to Buddhahood. It leads one person in the realm of hell, one person in the realm of hungry spirits, and thus one person in each of the nine realms of existence to Buddhahood, and thereby the way is opened for all living beings to attain Buddhahood.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 512
Letter to Horen
Written to Soya Kyoshin in April 1275
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 15, 2021
Life and death are one, and the entity of our existence is eternal, persisting throughout past, present and future. The setting sun, radiant with joy, gives proof of its undiminished power and at the same time offers a promise of a bright tomorrow. Bringing our lives to a wonderful, satisfying close guarantees us the path to happiness throughout eternity.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (03 February 1953) p.136
A district lecture on the Gosho "On Establishing the Four Bodhisattvas as the Object of Devotion."…
Feel sorry for those sincere members, since I lack capability as a lecturer. After the lecture, I gave personal guidance. To grasp people's true suffering, to hear their true voices and guide them, enabling them to find the solution, is the noblest work we can undertake in life. I only worry that I lack the power to do so.


Wednesday 14 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 14 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 14, 2021
Thoreau, a renowned American Renaissance thinker, wrote in his journal: "Nothing must be postponed. Take time by the forelock. Now or never! You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment." We shouldn't put anything off but seize the moment, living with all our being in the present. If we do that, he says, each moment will become eternity.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 14, 2021
The rice plant flowers and bears grain, but its spirit remains in the soil. This is the reason the stalk sprouts to flower and bear grain once again. The blessings that Nichiren obtains from propagating the Lotus Sutra will always return to Dozen-bo. How sublime! It is said that, if a teacher has a good disciple, both will gain the fruit of Buddhahood, but if a teacher fosters a bad disciple, both will fall into hell. If teacher and disciple are of different minds, they will never accomplish anything.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 909
Flowering and Bearing Grain
Written to Joken-bo and Gijo-bo in April 1278
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 14, 2021
The tendency of human beings is to try and escape challenges and seek an easy and peaceful environment. But happiness cannot be found somewhere else - it is found within us. A genuine way of life consists of transforming where we are right now into a supreme paradise.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (02 February 1953) p.135
Rise and fall, prosperity and decline – human history filled with discord and misery. I believe the greatest person is one who strives to attain a bloodless revolution, based on a correct view of humanity, the world and the universe. This is a standard that transcends commonly held views of right and wrong.


Tuesday 13 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 13 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 13, 2021
Quite simply, there can be no true democracy unless the citizens of a country realize that they are sovereign, that they are the main protagonists, and then with wisdom and a strong sense of responsibility take action based on that realization. Democracy cannot be successful in its mission unless the people rouse themselves to become more informed and involved, unless they unite, unless they establish an unshakable force for justice and keep a strict eye on the activities of the powerful.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin

April 13, 2021
Although I, Nichiren, am not a man of wisdom, the devil king of the sixth heaven has attempted to take possession of my body. But I have for some time been taking such great care that he now no longer comes near me. Therefore, because the power of the heavenly devil is ineffectual against me, he instead possesses the ruler and his high officials, or foolish priests such as Ryokan, and causes them to hate me.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 310
Reply to Sairen-bo
Written to Sairen-bo Nichijo on april 13, 1272
 Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda

April 13, 2021
A great work of art is one that truly moves and inspires you. You yourself must be moved. Don't look at art with others eyes. Don't listen to music with others ears. You must react to art with your own feelings, your own heart and mind. If you allow yourself to be swayed by the opinions of others, it must be good because everyone else likes it, it must be bad, because no one else likes it - your feelings, your sensibility, which should be the very core of the artistic experience, will wither and die. To enjoy art to the fullest, you must abandon all preconceived notions, leaving a blank slate. Then confront the work directly, with your entire being. If you are deeply moved, then that work is, for you, a great work of art. 

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (01 February 1953) p.135
Attended a youth division meeting at 6:00pm. Witnessed their bold departure toward the coming year. How splendid! Someday, want Sensei to see the result of our behind-the-scenes unity and growth. I talked about the importance of study. I, myself, however, must first take the initiative and serve as an example. Personally resolved to take a great leap forward during the coming year.


Monday 12 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 12 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory



Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 12, 2021
Young people are the leaders of the 21st century. For that reason it is important that you have an understanding of history, that you can see through to the heart of things. A penetrating view of history is essential. A superficial one won't suffice.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 12, 2021
I have found that even those who appear to believe just as the sutra teaches may not actually have strong faith at all, as you are already well aware. . . The fact that her prayers have gone unanswered is like a strong bow with a weak bowstring, or a fine sword in the hands of a coward. It is in no sense the fault of the Lotus Sutra.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 489
The Royal Palace
Written in Shijo Kingo on April 12, 1275

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 12, 2021
It's important to remember that your prayers always reflect your state of life. In that respect, prayer is a solemn means to raise your life-condition. And to get exactly the results that you're praying for, it is crucial to make determined, single-minded efforts toward that goal. That is the true path of manifesting faith in daily life. Those of you who proceed along this path day after day, year after year, will without fail develop - just like saplings into mighty trees, becoming people of outstanding strength and character.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (30 January 1953) p.135

The Gakkai headquarters leaders meeting…
Felt it to be miniature world of Buddhas and bodhisattvas who have passionately arisen to achieve kosen-rufu. It is apparent however, that steep mountains and violent storms await us. Will it be possible to achieve kosen-rufu in our time? Or will it be 50, 100, 200 years from now? In the end, there is no other way for me but to devote this life, until I die, to the battle of propagation, with a determination, conviction and dream for two hundred years from now.


Sunday 11 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 11 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 11, 2021
As long as our mind of faith is connected to the Gohonzon, our benefits will never disappear. That's why it is vital for us to persevere in our Buddhist practice throughout our lives no matter what, even if on some days our physical condition or other circumstances prevent us from doing gongyo and chanting daimoku to our full satisfaction. Those who continue to challenge themselves to the end savour ultimate victory.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 11, 2021
The Flower Garland and the other various sutras are like stars in this dark night, while the Lotus Sutra is like the moon. For those who have faith in the Lotus Sutra, but whose faith is not deep, it is as though a half moon were lighting the darkness. But for those who have profound faith, it is as though a full moon were illuminating the night.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 94
The Essence of the "Medicine King" Chapter
Recipient unknown, written in 1265

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 11, 2021
Worthy persons deserve to be called so because they are not carried away by the eight winds: prosperity, decline, disgrace, honour, praise, censure, suffering, and pleasure. They are neither elated by prosperity nor grieved by decline - Nichiren

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (27 January 1953) p.134

Ichinen, single-minded determination – this is what enables the arrow to pierce the rock, as the saying goes. Mr. Toda's frequent statement that "there is no power stronger or greater than faith" has gradually come to touch my heart.


Saturday 10 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 10 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 10, 2021
The Daishonin's words are guiding principles that have universal, eternal relevance. It is important to study his writings. And it is especially crucial that the members of the youth division gain a solid grounding in Buddhist study. The two ways of practice and study are important. A half-hearted attitude will not allow you to complete these two paths. That would be a truly sad thing.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 10, 2021

In describing the first, second, and third of the five stages of practice, the Buddha restricts those at these stages from practicing precepts and meditation, and places all emphasis upon the single factor of wisdom. And because our wisdom is inadequate, he teaches us to substitute faith for wisdom, making this single word "faith" the foundation.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 785
On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice
Written to Toki Jonin on April 10, 1277
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 10, 2021
Many today regard any kind of belief and religious faith, in particular as somehow in opposition to reason or at the very least as a sort of paralysis of the faculty of reason. There are, indeed, fanatical religions in which faith opposes reason. But it is an erroneous leap of logic to assume on this basis, and without any evidence, that all religions are so. That itself is irrational and can be characterized as a kind of blind faith in its own right.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (26 January 1953) p.134

Worked vigorously all day. Gave a lecture for the first time this year. Feel I must study harder and harder. Had friends from work over for dinner late in the evening. Talked to our hearts' content about our dreams for the next twenty years.


Friday 9 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 9 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 9, 2021
Nothing is wasted in faith. One never loses out. Please be confident that all your efforts to help others and promote Buddhism are accumulating immense treasures of good fortune in your life. This is what is meant by inconspicuous benefit.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin

April 9, 2021
And yet there is one river called the Sahaya that follows a course as straight as a taut rope, flowing directly into the western sea. A woman who has faith in the Lotus Sutra will be like this river, proceeding directly to the Pure Land in the west. Such is the virtue inherent in the single character myo.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 149
The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra
Recipient unknown; writen on January 6, 1266

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda

April 9, 2021
Illusion about the true nature of existence is literally illusion about the nature of one's own life. This is the fundamental source of all illusions. If we are ignorant about the nature of our own existence, then we will be ignorant about the nature of other people's lives, too. On the other hand, when our lives are free of illusion, we can perceive the treasure tower that shines resplendent in all people, in all beings.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (25 January 1953) p.133
Whatever the chapter and whomever the members, I want them to become happy. Dreaming of making the Gakkai, with vigor and unity, a nationwide, even a worldwide organization. Convinced this can only be achieved through all the members attaining happiness. Disturbed by the shallowness and bias of two or three top leaders who do not understand President Toda's will.


Thursday 8 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 8 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 8, 2021
Great individuals fight abuses of authority. The truly strong do not lord it over the weak. People of genuine strength and courage battle against the powerful, the arrogant, the authoritarian, the evil and corrupt - all who look down on the people with contempt.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 8, 2021
Above all, both you and your husband are upholders of the Lotus Sutra. You will surely bear a jewel of a child who is going to inherit the seed for the propagation of the Lotus Sutra. I wholeheartedly congratulate you. The child is one who will inherit both your physical and spiritual aspects.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 186
Easy Delivery of a Fortune Child
Written to Nichigen-nyo on May 7, 1271
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 8, 2021
Nichiren writes, "If you light a lantern for another, it will also brighten your own way." Please be confident that the higher your flame of altruistic action burns, the more its light will suffuse your life with happiness. Those who possess an altruistic spirit are the happiest people of all.


Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (25 January 1953) p.133
Thought about the other day's spiritless leaders meeting of Koiwa chapter, held at Masui's House. There were about sixty participants. They lacked joy and appeared to have lost confidence. Decided in my heart to charge forth with tremendous passion into this desert like area. I am worried that these leaders, however, who lack spirit or an understanding of their mission, cannot accept my spirit and intent.



Wednesday 7 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 7 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory



Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 7, 2021
Strength is the source of happiness. We mustn't shy away from life's challenges. We mustn't be defeated. Refusing to be defeated equals victory. A person who perseveres to the end is a winner. In the course of promoting our movement, the Soka Gakkai has never pulled back in the face of any hindrance. We have kept moving forward. And that is the key to our success. Never to retreat a single step, no matter what - that is the Soka Gakkai spirit. Those who embrace this spirit can achieve unlimited victory.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin

April 7, 2021
If you try to treat someone's illness without knowing its cause, you will only make the person sicker than before.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 774

The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra

Written to the lay nun Konichi in 1276
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 7, 2021
The Buddhist teaching of the inseparability of evil and good means that everything can be made one or the other in an instant, according to what we harbour in our hearts. Everything begins with the self. A change in one's outlook or intention triggers a change in the self and radiates outward to effect society-wide revolutions. This idea is what we in the SGI refer to as "human revolution."

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (23 January 1953) p.133
Many problems trouble the world. The newspapers are devoid of any encouraging news. A dreadful world. It pains my youthful heart. The only security is to advance with bold determination, without begrudging my life.


Tuesday 6 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 6 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 6, 2021

 There is no retirement age in faith. Sincere faith never ages. Those who exert themselves for the sake of the Law are ever young. Our heart is what matters most. Let us strive to the end of our days for kosen-rufu.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 6, 2021
So if a woman makes offerings to the Lotus Sutra now in the last five hundred year period, [Bodhisattva Gladly Seen's] benefits will all be bequeathed to her without exception, just as a wealthy man transfers his entire fortune to his only son.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 911

An Outline of the "Entrustment" and Other Chapters
Written to Nichinyo on June 25, 1278
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 6, 2021

Pure and committed practice of Nichiren Buddhism entirely changes the meaning of hardships in our lives. We no longer view challenges and trials as negatives to be avoided but as things which, when overcome, bring us closer to our attainment of Buddhahood.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (22 January 1953) p.133
Went to bed thinking about Mr. Toda. Have I served him well until today, or have I not? Have I acted sincerely? Have I travelled the path of mentor and disciple honorably? Ashamed of my incompetence as a disciple.


Monday 5 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 5 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda

April 5, 2021
In all things patience is the key to victory. Those who cannot endure cannot hope to win. Ultimate triumph belongs to those who can forbear.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 5, 2021
I, Nichiren, observing this state of affairs, proceeded to consult the great collection of Buddhist scriptures. There I discovered the reason why these prayers are without effect and on the contrary actually make the situation worse, along with passages of proof to support it. In the end I had no other recourse than to compile a work to present my findings, entitling it On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land…
This I did solely that I might repay the debt of gratitude that I owe to my native land.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 161

The Rationale for Writing "On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land"
Written to Hogan on April 5, 1268
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 5, 2021
Even places that have been shrouded in darkness for billions of years can be illuminated. Even a stone from the bottom of a river can be used to produce fire. Our present sufferings, no matter how dark, have certainly not continued for billions of years - nor will they linger forever. The sun will definitely rise. In fact, its ascent has already begun.
Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (15 January 1953) p.132
Have decided to reflect on myself more seriously from now on. The path I must follow with respect to my mentor demands the greatest self-awakening. Deeply regret my thoughtlessness, having presumed upon President Toda's profound consideration. My own lack of realization is as clear as if reflected in a mirror. To trip over the same stone twice is indeed foolish. Will reflect, and then advance once again, cheerfully and boldly.


Sunday 4 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 4 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 4,  2021
There is no means other than faith by which to open our lives and our inner state of Buddhahood. Faith is the most "open" state of mind of all. Infinite clusters of good fortune spill forth from this unbarred treasure house of life.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 4, 
Each of you should summon up the courage of a lion king and never succumb to threats from anyone. The lion king fears no other beast, nor do its cubs. Slanderers are like barking foxes, but Nichiren's followers are like roaring lions.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 997

On Persecutions Befalling the Sage
Written to all followers (and entrusted to shijo Kingo) on October 1, 1279
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 4, 
The flower of the Law blooms within the human being. It shines through our character. The Lotus Sutra is wholly a teaching for human beings. The purpose of religion is to help each person become happy. But even a teaching whose original intent was to promote human happiness may start to restrict people. Even the Lotus Sutra could be used incorrectly to justify discrimination. What is necessary to prevent the danger of such distortion from occurring? It is the disciple's inheritance of the resolute spirit and faith of the mentor to lead people to happiness.

Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (6 January 1953) p.131
In the morning, Mr Toda lectured on principles of law. Morning study is now in full swing. Must be clearheaded every morning so that I can absorb the lecture.
Indomitable spirit. Guts. Stubborn determination – these may not be elegant terms, but I believe they are necessary qualities for a man's life. Must fight hard now to ensure victory ten years from now. Will study hard and work hard, looking ahead ten years into the future.

Saturday 3 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 3 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 3, 2021
From one perspective, gongyo and daimoku are lyrics and songs. They are an ode to life. I hope, therefore, that your gongyo and daimoku will be such that even people who are not practicing will be favourably impressed by the sonorous and invigorating sound of your voices. That too will contribute to the spread of kosen-rufu.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 3,  2021 
If one doubts the strength of the Buddha when he says, "I am the only person who can rescue and protect others," if one is suspicious of the rope held out by the Lotus Sutra when its teachings declare that one can "gain entrance though faith alone," if one fails to chant the Mystic Law which guarantees that "such a person assuredly and without doubt [will attain the Buddha way]," then the Buddha's power cannot reach one, and it will be impossible to scale the embankment of enlightenment.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 59
Questions and Answers about Embracing the Lotus Sutra
Recipient unknown; written in March 1263
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 3,  2021 
A life lived without purpose or value, the kind in which one doesn't know the reason why one was born, is joyless and lacks lustre. To just live, eat and die without any real sense of purpose surely represents a life pervaded by the life-state of animals. On the other hand, to do, create or contribute something that benefits others, society and ourselves and to dedicate ourselves as long as we live up to that challenge - that is a life of true satisfaction, a life of value. It is a humanistic and lofty way to live.

Daisaku Ikeda – A Youthful Diary (31 December 1951) p.126
At 4:00 we had a year-end company gathering. Everyone surrounded President Toda as he gave guidance to each individual, one by one. To some he was strict, while to others, he spoke of the next ten years to come. He also spoke of problems with the economy and foreign policy. Sometimes he would mention the importance of Buddhist study, while to others he spoke of his own childhood and youth. I ate until my stomach hurt.


Friday 2 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 2 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 2, 2021
Why are human beings born? This question has posed a great challenge. President Toda lucidly set forward his conclusion. Namely, that this world is a place for people to, as the Lotus Sutra states, "enjoy themselves at ease." We were born here in order to thoroughly savour the joys of life. Faith in the Daishonin's Buddhism is what enables us to bring forth the great life force we need to lead such an existence.

1958 Josei Toda, the Soka Gakkai's second President, dies.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 2, 2021
Though I may be a person of little ability, I have reverently given myself to the study of the Mahayana. A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles, and the green ivy that twines around the tall pine can grow to a thousand feet.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 17

On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land
Submitted to Hojo Tokiyori on July 16, 1260
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 2, 2021
Promptness is crucial in leading a victorious life. How we start each morning determines that day's victory or defeat. It's important that we resolve to win in the morning and begin our work with an energetic, refreshed spirit. We mustn't forget that this is the secret to continual success. We live in a tumultuous age, and in such times, swift action is the key to success.

Daisaku Ikeda – A Youthful Diary (26 December 1952) p.125
Wish to become a leader who will never be swayed, who can always protect my juniors no matter what adversity I might encounter. Praying strongly that my fellow members and my family will spend the year-end enjoyably and safely. Wish to read many books next year. I will read and read and read. Next year will be my year of study. This is so I will not fall behind the Gakkai's advancement.

Thursday 1 April 2021

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 1 April 2021 - Year of Hope and Victory


Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
April 1, 2021
Emerson writes: "And so of cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more of it remains." Cheerfulness is not the same as frivolousness. Cheerfulness is born of a fighting spirit. Frivolousness is the reverse side of cowardly escape. Emerson also said that "power dwells with cheerfulness, hope puts us in a working mood." Without cheerfulness there is no strength. Let us strive to advance still more brightly and cheerfully.
1974 SGI President Ikeda gives his first university lecture, at UCLA.
From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
April 1, 2021

 This teaching was not propagated in the Former or Middle Day of the Law because the other sutras had not yet lost their power of benefit. Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, neither the Lotus Sutra nor the other sutras lead to enlightenment. Only Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can do so. This is not my own judgment. Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, the Buddhas of the ten directions, and the bodhisattvas who emerged from the earth as numerous as the dust particles of a thousand worlds have so determined it.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 903
The Teaching for the Latter Day
Written to Nonjo Tokimitsu on April 1, 1278
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
April 1, 2021
At all times I think to myself: How can I cause living beings to gain entry into the unsurpassed way and quickly acquire the body of a Buddha? -The Lotus Sutra

Daisaku Ikeda – A Youthful Diary (26 December 1952) p.125
A cold morning. I consider enduring the cold wind as training for both my body and mind. Must grow strong, to become someone on whom others can rely. I am now embraced by my mentor and protected by my parents. I have excellent comrades in faith. Society, too, enjoys better times.
