Saturday 3 May 2014

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 03 May 2014 - Year of Opening a New Era of Worldwide Kosen-rufu

Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Saturday, May 3, 2014
As direct disciples of the Daishonin, we have summoned forth the three powerful enemies of Buddhism. And defeating their schemes and repelling their onslaughts, we have carved out a great path of kosen-rufu. This has been the unrivalled pride of Mr. Makiguchi, Mr. Toda and myself as Soka Gakkai presidents. It is indisputable proof that the Soka Gakkai is the foremost organization in the entire world acting in accord with the Buddha's will and decree.
1951 Josei Toda inaugurated as the second Soka Gakkai president.
1960 Daisaku Ikeda inaugurated as the third Soka Gakkai president.

From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Life is the most precious of all treasures. Even one extra day of life is worth more than ten million ryo of gold. The Lotus Sutra surpasses all the other sacred teachings of the Buddha's lifetime because of the "Life Span" chapter. The greatest prince in the  land  of  Jambudvipa  would be of less consequence than a blade of grass if he died in childhood. If he died young, even a person whose wisdom shone as brilliantly as the sun would be less than a living dog. So you must hasten to accumulate the treasure of faith and quickly conquer your illness.
On Prolonging One's Life Span
Written to the lay nun Myojo in 1279

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Saturday, May 3, 2014
The SGI is a gathering of ordinary people. We struggle to ensure that the people are not despised and exploited by the powerful. To help all people become strong and wise, we are developing a network of peace and culture and putting great effort into education. By nature, the people are strong, wise, cheerful and warm. Religious faith has the power to draw out those qualities. The purpose of faith is not to turn people into sheep; it is to make them wise. Wisdom isn't knowledge that causes suffering for others; it is enlightened insight for improving one's own life as well as the lives of others.

The Human Revolution
Excerpt Vol. II the "Emerging From the Earth" Chapter, pages 218-244
Following your guidance that I should study and practice as befits a youth, I would like, if I may be permitted, to study under you.  I would like to recite a poem of my determination, as a token of my gratitude, although it is a very poor one...
Toda nodded silently.  Everyone was astonished. Closing his eyes, Shin'ichi began to recite in a sonorous voice:
From whence do you come?
And where do you go?
The moon has set,
But the sun has not yet risen.
In the chaos of darkness before the dawn
Seeking the light,
I advance
To dispel the dark clouds from my mind
To find a great tree unbowed by the tempest
I emerge from the earth.

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