Sunday, 16 March 2014

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 16 March 2014 - Year of Opening a New Era of Worldwide Kosen-rufu

Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Sunday, March 16, 2014
March 16, Kosen-Rufu Day. The spirit of this day lies not in magnificent ceremonies or high-sounding words. It lies in being victorious. That is the most crucial thing in all endeavours. In life and in Kosen-Rufu, we either win or lose. I would like you to be absolute victors in both. No matter what excuses we try to make, giving in to defeat brings misery and loses us the respect of others. I hope each of you without exception will adorn your life with indestructible triumph.
Events: Kosen-Rufu Day.
1958 More than 6,000 youth attend a ceremony at the head temple where President Josei Toda passes responsibility for the spread of the Daishonin's Buddhism to all youth division members.

From The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Now, at the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law, I, Nichiren, am the first to set out on propagating, throughout Jambudvipa, the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, which are the heart of the Lotus Sutra and the eye of all Buddhas. These five characters are the heart of the Lotus Sutra and the source of the enlightenment of all Buddhas.
The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra
Written to the lay nun Konichi in 1276

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Sunday, March 16, 2014
There is no other course for us but to entrust everything to the youth. This holds true for families, businesses and countries. Youth are vitally important to the world and the human race. The key to eternal development lies in fostering, encouraging and training youth who will lead the way to a new era.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (09 February 1954) p.156
Yesterday evening, President Toda had a bout of ill health.  Heard that his condition is extremely poor.  There is no excuse for my absence at such a crucial time.  When I heard that he called out my name two or three times my heart ached.  I wonder what he was thinking.  He seems a little better today.  My only hope is that he lives long.  I am not the only one repeatedly amazed by his tremendous life force, which resurges like a great immortal  Phoenix ...
Met with Sensei in the president's office at 10:30.  He is completely unshaken by yesterday's episode.  My noble mentor!  "Study! Study!" he told me.

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