Wednesday 10 October 2012

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 10 October 2012 - The Year of Developing a Youthful SGI

Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


It doesn't matter in what area, just keep working on your personal revolution to transform and improve yourself in the way most natural for you. The important thing is that you change in some positive way. There is surely no more exhilarating a life than one in which we write our own unique history of human revolution each day. And the growth and transformation we achieve in this way can convince people of the greatness of the Daishonin's Buddhism more eloquently than anything else.



From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


The moon appears in the west and sheds its light eastward, but the sun rises in the east and casts its rays to the west. The same is true of Buddhism. It spread from west to east in the Former and Middle Days of the Law, but will travel from east to west in the Latter Day.


The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 401

Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man

Recipient unknown; written in 1265



Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Shakyamuni taught that the shallow is easy to embrace, but the profound is difficult. To discard the shallow and seek the profound is the way of a person of courage - Nichiren.



Daisaku Ikeda - A Youthful Diary (1958) p.381


After the conference, returned to the headquarters to write an article.  Completely forgot I had called my wife and promised to meet her at Kamata Station at 10:00 p.m.  Made my pregnant wife wait for more than one hour in the cold.  Terribly sorry for her.  On the way home, the two of us stopped at a street vendor and ate grille tripe to warm our chilled bodies.



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