Wednesday 12 October 2011

Sensei's Daily Encouragement - 12 October 2011

Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Gohonzon encompasses the entire universe. Therefore, we who believe in and chant daimoku to the Gohonzon can live out our lives with the greatest serenity and composure. Please be confident that through faith in the Mystic Law we can definitely lead a wonderful and unsurpassed existence.
1279 Nichiren Daishonin inscribes the Dai-Gohonzon for all humanity.

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
This Gohonzon is also found only in the two characters for faith. This is what the sutra means when it states that one can "gain entrance through faith alone." Since Nichiren's disciples and lay supporters believe solely in the Lotus Sutra, honestly discarding the expedient means and never accepting even a single verse of the other sutras, they can enter the treasure tower of the Gohonzon. How reassuring!"
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 832
The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon
Written to Nichinyo on August 23, 1277

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Today there are people who have faith in the Lotus Sutra. The belief of some is like fire while that of others is like water. When the former listen to the teachings, their passion flares up like fire, but as time goes on, they tend to discard their faith. To have faith like water means to believe continuously without ever regressing - Nichiren

Sensei on Life Potential - Words of Wisdom
Human life possesses a potential deeper than the great wide ocean and vaster than the sky. We may tend to give up and resign ourselves to present circumstances, thinking "There is no way." But by breaking down these barriers in our minds, we can enjoy vibrant lives, filled with powerful life force like the sun.


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